Production of remediation, reclamation and building materials

The production of remediation, reclamation and building materials is based on the use coal fly ash as a binder. It makes use of the principles of solidification and stabilization. The process makes use of physiochemical qualities of the used feedstock and their subsequent changer during the process of production. The professional literature describes this principle as SS-technology of material recovery. These principles form the basis of the most widespread technologies focused on efective waste management, enabling to obtain the desired quality of the final mixtures.

The purpose of the SS-technology is:

  • To obtain a product (substance) with physical properties that will ensure the desired acceptability of the solidified product;
  • To obtain a product in a form which is easy to handle and which can be safely transported and easily manipulated in its eventual use;
  • To prevent potential undesirable leakage of dangerous subsatances to the environment

The process of production is based solely on the requirements defined by Waste Act.
In GEMEC-UNION Plc., we participate significantly in the research of the secondary use of voluminous industrial waste. Therefore, we commonly cooperate with various research institutes (prominently with VŠB-TU), with several govermental bodies and other specialized centers and laboratories.  In our work, we actively employ their expert analyses, execute laboratory and applied examinations and their surveys and corresponding comments.

Divize SK Jívka
Divize Gemec Žacléř


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