
„Technical solution of the reclamation of NH Plc. facilities, Bartovice disposal facility“

executed for ArcelorMittal Ostrava Plc. Company. By the end of 2015, more than 1,300,000 tons of material had been precessed and used on this construction.  Duration: 2004 – until now
Technologies used for waste treatment and its processiong into reclamantion and recultivation mixtures were designed in cooperation with leading specialists from the Technical University of Ostrava. The production is based on proprietary formulations. The production takes place in the disposal facility of Ostrava Bartovice. The methods used to treat waste are the results of our own development and obtained know-how.

„The reclamation of ash storage in Pr. Suchá – Příkopy 2nd phase“
GEMEC - UNION Plc. assumed liability for reclamation of former ash storage in Havířov – Suchá („Příkopy“ location) in area of 26 ha (previously in the responsibility of Dalkia Czech Republic Plc). The overall costs were estimamed to be approximately 112.9 millions of CZK; the completion date was set to  30th December 2020.

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