Soil remediation and decontamination

Our certified products are designated for both technical and biological remediation of the localities affected by industrial activies. We are able to ensure full restoration of closed lanfills from preparatory planning to actual implementation of the proposed solution.

Decontamination of the soil is executed through the process of biodeterioration inside a roofed decontamination hall, which is accordingly isolated. The operation of the decontamination workplace follows intergrated environmental permitting guidelines ussued by IPPC in Hradec Králové Regional Office, department of agriculture and environmental protection. The process of decontamination and waste storage is executed in accordance with the regulation no. 383/2001 sb.

After the attainment of the required quality of the decontaminated substance, it can be subsequently used to produce new resturation, remediation and building material.

Wastes suitable for decontamination

Catalogue number
Waste tye
17 05 03 Soil and stones containing hazardous substance.
17 05 04 Soil and stones that do not fall under no. 17 05 03
17 05 05 Extracted tailing containing hazardous substances
17 05 07 Contaminated gravel from railway superstructure

Divize SK Jívka
Divize Gemec Žacléř


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